Friday, February 21, 2014

Need a quick bit of cash for your business?

We all from time to time have temporary cash flow issues. is a great service for those times.

Kabbage provides working capital to small businesses. From online sellers to brick and mortar stores, Kabbage services every type of small business. Banks take weeks to decide on an advance. Kabbage delivers funds in 7 minutes!

As an online store, I often get orders from customers but don't have enough items ordered to fill out the manufacturers minimum order. The manufacturers often have closeouts and specials that I could not take advantage of. Now, I can get a small advance from Kabbage, fill out the order with items I know sell well on Ebay or Amazon, and pay the funds back as soon as they sell. It's amazingly easy! I tied Kabbage into my Paypal account so the funds are available within seconds on my requesting an advance too.

The application is entirely online and takes just minutes to complete and you can get a line of credit established right away. There is no charge for the funds unless you use them, so why not apply and have an emergency fund standing by at the ready for those time when you need just a little extra?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A lot of great reminders on being successful

Successful People: The 8 Self-Limiting Behaviors They Avoid - Yahoo Small Business Advisor

Successful professionals pursue outcomes that flow organically from their current actions. Unsuccessful individuals attach to fantasies that may relieve them momentarily of their situational pain but have no basis in reality. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Reflections for New Years Day

I guess New Year's Day brings out the thoughtful side of me because I've been reflecting about a lot of things today, including my business.

I started LABEShops 13 years ago now (wow!) when I launched in 2001. It's been a long, often bumpy road, but honestly, owning your own business is truly awesome - headaches and all.  Things haven't been perfect - especially the last 2 years with sites hacked and still being rebuilt - but I am persevering when I've seen other businesses (including some of my suppliers) fold up shop.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to The Business of ECommerce

This blog is my place to write about owning and operating an E-Commerce business. It supports my Google+ Community: The Business of E-Commerce, so please come join us there!